World’s Ugliest Color Could Soon Be On Many Cigarette Packagings

Health authorities around the world are doing everything they can to stop people from smoking cigarettes. A few things have been added to the packs in the last few years, but more things could be on the soon. This time, health authorities want countries to start using the world’s ugliest color on the cigarette packaging. Adding the color to the box is an idea that experts believe could discourage people from smoking.

The color became the world’s ugliest color back in 2012, when GfK Blue Moon, a market research company working with the Australian government, did a survey. Close to 1,000 smokers voted the greenish brown (opaque couche) as the world’s ugliest color.

Voters described it as many things and it has remained as the world’s ugliest color ever since. After the numbers were revealed, Australia then changed the packaging, which was said to be plain. But it was the total opposite, the packaging now had the world’s ugliest color and a few pictures to discourage people from smoking. Damaged gums, teeth and tongue cancer are some of the pictures shown on the packaging, which also has facts about smoking above the images. The additions to the cigarette packaging seem to be working in Australia and many countries are now trying to do the same. Three European countries are interested in having packaging like the one seen in Australia.

In the past, studies on the pictures found on the packaging have shown that it makes smokers think about quitting. Cigarette smoking is responsible for about one of every five deaths in the United States each year. Worldwide, smoking causes close to six million deaths per year and experts believe it could cause more than eight million deaths by 2030 if the numbers keep going up. That is worrying, but the pictures and all the additions to the packaging are helping convince a small percentage to quit smoking.

Is this the best idea to discourage people from smoking? What else could be added to the packaging? Let us know in the comments.
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